Malgas Tourism

Wikipedia will tell you that “Malgas is a settlement on the right bank of the Breede River in the Overberg region of the Western Cape” and that the name “is probably an adaptation of the Portuguese mangas de velludo, ‘velvet sleeves’, referring to the Cape gannet with its black-tipped wings.” The key word here is probably. What Wikipedia doesn’t tell you is that when you separate out the syllables, ‘mal gas’ can be directly translated from Afrikaans as ‘crazy gas’. We might be crazy for planting the first vineyard in this region, but you'll find there is a lot to keep yourself busy with.

Located about 2.5 hours from Cape Town, we recommend staying for a weekend in Malgas if you'd like to visit Sijnn. There are several accommodation options in and around Malgas,here are our top picks:
When you visit Sijnn you may feel that you’re in the middle of nowhere but in the search for a good meal we’ve discovered some great restaurants within a 50km radius of the winery.
There's plenty to see and do in the region of Malgas and Swellendam. Here are a few of our top favourites: